Thursday, June 16, 2005

I'm in Good Hands!

The last two weeks I haven't posted much, because my new boss has been in the office training. I've been debating for months, as to whether I should stick around here or look for greener pastures. After spending these last two weeks getting to now my new boss, I have decided to stay put. He's turned out to be a cool guy, with a lot ethusiasm and great ideas for the agency. I really think he is going to be great to work for/with!

BTW.... did I mention that he's buying a high tech coffee maker for the office? My little caffine saturated heart is doing back flips!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Felled tree.

Felled tree.
Posted by: yayaism.
I thought this made an interesting picture. I don't know if the limb was broken during the storm the night before, or by some of the kids that frequent that area. However it happened, it was still a little saddening to see such a large part of the tree die.