Thursday, July 08, 2004

Taking a Leak?!

My day has only just begun and already I've had my first crisis. Dale (my boss here at the office) broke a valve in the toilet yesterday. It was running a lot, but for the most part, it was under control. When I came in this morning, there was a rather large amount of water on the bathroom floor. So much water, that it had begun seeping into the hallway carpet. I called Dale and told him about the leak, then got my friend Tony (works two doors down at the cleaners) to shut off the water to the toilet. I tried to shut it off when I first found the leak but the valve was too rusty for me to turn. Thankfully, Tony managed to break it loose enough to turn it off.

I cleaned up all the water and Tony set up a fan to help dry the carpeting. I'm sure Dale will stop on his way in, to pick up the parts we need to repair the leak. i think the biggest worry is going to be the carpet. It's really difficult to dry carpeting that has gotten really wet. In this case, the water seeped in from underneath so it's wet all the way down to the padding. If it doesn't dry completely, mildew can set in and ruin it.


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