Wednesday, May 05, 2004


At present I have two stalkers. Stalker1 is an ex-boyfriend from about nine years ago. Over the years he has made numerous attempts to win me back. Stalker2 is the friend of an old roommate. He's been infatuated with me since I was 19 years old(about 13 yrs now). I rate him the 2nd place stalker because these days he mainly just sits and stares at me if we happen to be in the same place. He was told years ago that serious action would be taken if he EVER spoke to me again. I think he finally got the message. Although he irritates me, I think he's fairly harmless.

Coming back to Stalker1, of late, he's greatly increased his stalker-ish behavior. Several times last week he was spotted driving past the home of one of my close friends, where he knows I spend a lot of time. Yesterday, while I was gone on my lunch break, he came by my office and left a 20oz. Coke on my desk. Back when we were dating I was a big-time Coke drinker and he used to rag me about it all the time. Him bringing me a Coke is kind of like a peace offering. Yeah, right! He buzzed Margo's house twice (that we know of) last night. Once while I was still there and once more only minutes after I left. I have a feeling that he was parked near-by watching. I caught him doing exactly that a couple of days before Thanksgiving.
Normally, I'm not a paranoid person. If anything, I'm the complete opposite. I 've always held to the "live and let live" creedo, but right now it's getting more and more difficult to maintain that attitude. I'm beginning to get freaked out by el numero uno stalker. I really don't know how to handle this. If he's mess up enough to be following me, what is ha capable of doing if I actually confront him? I admit, I'm more than a little scared.


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