Tuesday, May 11, 2004

INFP - The Dreamer

INFP - The Dreamer

Of late, I have been doing extensive research into personality types. My intention is to learn more about myself. I must to admit that what I've learned thus far, has been quite an eye-opener. After taking numerous persolality tests, I've have beyond doubt, determined that I am an INFP type personality. Reading the profiles for INFP's is at times both disturbing and reassuring. It's a bit scarey to know that your entire way of thinking is different than 99% of the world but at the same time I'm comforted to know that the remaining 1% are just like me. I just wish I could find a few more of them and comapre notes.


  • Any pointers to any good personality tests (...free ones... I'm cheap...)

    By Blogger twopeanuts, at 7:55 AM  

  • I'll be posting more info on INFP's and personality tests soon so keep checking back!

    By Blogger YAYA, at 12:11 PM  

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