From the show
I really wanted to do a post with one of the singers kicking it in the background, but the music just wasn't coming across. I was pretty encouraged by the turn out for the new show. The crowd was small, but better than I had hoped for on a first night. I was particularly glad to know that a few were there specifically for karaoke (even a couple of NON-singers). The real highlight of the night was hearing my friend Robert sing for the first time, then continue to put in songs all night long! In the two years that I've known Robert, I never pegged him as a singer. Other than hearing him sing along under his breath once in awhile, he never gave any indication that he wanted to sing karaoke. After 13 years of going to and working for karaoke shows, I'm pretty good at spotting potential singers and encouraging them to get up and sing. Over the years, I've "created" dozens of singers, but I completely missed Robert. I shocked even more so by the fact that he can carry a tune. He's far from the best I've ever heard but he did really well. I was kind of proud that he debuted at MY show!
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