Monday, May 17, 2004

Weekend recap.

The trip to see Van Helsing with my Mom and my friend Sara, ended up with the added bonus of my nephews going along too. We all enjoyed the movie and the boys played vampire VS. werewolf most of the afternoon. After the movie, Mom caught a ride home with Sara and I took the nephews with me to run my Saturday errands. One of the things the boys and I do when I have them, is hit the local parks. Since I didn't have time to plan anything for them, the park seemed like a great last minute activity after getting my errands done.

After a quick phone call to a local friend (have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE my cellphone), we were on our way to the closest park. My nephews and I are park connoisseurs and we have very high standards. I'm happy to report that the park we visited got very high marks. There were lots of things to play on, a shaded pavilion with picnic tables and NO stickers! Even I got in on the few and tried out the slide, swings and merry-go-round. WEEEEEE! Why should the kids have ALL the fun? Anyway, Steph called around 6:30, wanting her children back. We'd only been gone since NOON!

Back at Steph's, we played volleyball for awhile then I headed out to club for another night of karakoe. Lately I've been trying to limit myself to going out on either Friday or Saturday but not both. I basically blew that idea to hell. This past week I ended up going out THURSDAY Friday and Saturday. Hey, If I'm gonna mess up, I'm gonna make it count!

There's still a bit more to tell, but I must be leaving for lunch now. TAH-TAH!


  • "Hey, If I'm gonna mess up, I'm gonna make it count!"

    :-) Wow - what a brilliantly positive way to sum up my life.

    By Blogger twopeanuts, at 12:05 PM  

  • Yep, I'm a true believer in going out with a bang or going down in a blaze of glory. However you want to word it, I'm all about burning the candle at both ends and the middle! If the good die young, I'm IMMORTAL baby!

    By Blogger YAYA, at 1:19 PM  

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